According to the owner of Melting Pot Hostel this is the windiest day in two weeks. I'm set to go anyways, hoping that the wind will stop as soon as I leave the coast.
Update (05.02.2016)
As soon as I saw the beach it started raining, just a teeny tiny bit, but the dark clouds on the horizon didn't look promising either. At least the heavy wind was on my side and blew either from the back or mostly from the side as I was walking parallel to the beach for quite a while. And eventually the sun came out again - the wind had driven the clouds to the ocean :)
Apparently I also took a wrong turn once (at least), although I was sure I had followed the signs, which meant walking on a road for an additional 3 km or so. But there was no cars on it anyway, so it was alright. I was still glad when I finally got to the long awaited "Saladavieja" sign.
After my lunch break in a dried riverbed the wins became stronger again and eventually turned against me. At the Embalse de Almodóvar it was so strong that it almost blew me away (seriously) and I had to lean against it to come forward. Sometimes it stopped all of a sudden and I almost fell over haha.
Then my water was empty completely out of te blue and I was kind of worries about that. The stupid road I was walking on started to annoy me. A map at the beginning of the park I was in said that there would be fountains along the way, but I felt the way was endless. Still I didn't dare to drink the water from a river I passed.
Finally I got to the first fountain, which had a sign on it saying "no tocable", whatever that means. Tastes great sooo.
After this burden was taken from my shoulders I started looking for a place to set camp and got quite lucky. At 8pm
I was all set and talked to my parents for a minute with really shitty connection.
Although I was really exhausted I didn't fall asleep for quite some time. It seemed that my legs had to calm down before they would allow me to sleep.
For better understanding: I passed all the red markers, the one at the bottom is Tarifa, the one with the green circle around it is where I set camp. And the blue arrow indicates where I am now - at Venta el Frenazo, where I have a toilet, wifi, and most importantly: Tapas :D
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