Monday, September 21, 2015

Hitchhiking XVII (Sofia - Plovdiv)

To get to my spot in Sofia was quit a challenge: My host insisted that it would be much too complicated to go there by bus, because I would have to change vehicles several times. I didn't mind, but it seemed impossible for him to find out which lines I needed, let alone at which time they were leaving. Instead he made me take the metro to a station that was further outside, but absolutely unsuitable for hitchhiking; cars were still mainly locals and going way too fast to stop.

I finally found out which bus line I need (not so complicated after all), but the info table at the station said that the next his would come in 18 minutes - way too long to wait, so I started walking, hoping for a spot or a good gas station on the way.

After ten minutes of walking I decided that this didn't really make sense, so I waited for the bus at the next station. Then, closely watching the GPS map only phone, I got off right in front of the highway, which was also the end Sofia.

From there I walked another 10 minutes towards the first gas station on the highway. I passed some trucks that had parked on the side to get some snacks from the little kiosks, and was surprised to find two guys trying to get a ride standing just behind all the trucks. 

A basic rule of hitchhiking is: be visible. I told them (in German - so many people spoke German in Bulgaria) that they would probably be better off if they moved a 100 meters, but the just smiled and nodded. 

So I continued to the gas station, saw a car with "PB" on its license plate which was just about to leave, ran to the driver'a window.... and got a direct ride to Plovdiv :)

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