Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Still having a great time

I don't want to go home! At least not to Germany, haha :D

I have to admit, I kind of prefer our days and evenings and nights spent together with Sushil and Josie in Thamel, the tourist district of Kathmandu, with a hundred bars in a row and live music playing everywhere, to the tiring work in my poor/orphan-children-project. But who doesn't prefer loud and good livemusic (we already have our personal band by the way, saw them three times now xD) to the screaming and shouting of 43 children?!

Anyway, enjoy the pictures:

Bhagwan giving details about our projects
that's what motivation looks like
children at the vegetable market
preparing the filling of the Momos

yes, it takes some time!
spicy tomato sauce
the filling
almost finished
canus canus! :D
our beloved Ama :)

That was our last evening/morning in Kathmandu - on the next day, Josie and I were brought to a small village near Sundarijal, where our guestfamily lives. From their house we have a "small trek", how Bhagwan likes to describe it, of 30 or 40 minutes to the orphanage center.

the children's houses are built with glass bottles
Dhal Baat - we eat it twice a day, every day, and it's always great


Prem :D

As you can see, the children are great and we always have lots of fun, but it's also exhausting, so Josie and I preferred to go back to Kathmandu on the weekend to relax a little, haha. It was Shiva Ratri (the birthday of Lord Shiva) at least, one of the biggest national holidays in Nepal.

Now, we're back in Sundarijal at got up at 6:30am, because our guestmother told us we would go to the orphanage at 7:30. It's 9am now, and we're still here, and that's always the way it goes. A little annoying, yes.. but at least I had the time to write something now ;)

1 comment:

  1. Liebe V,
    immer wenn ich Deine Bilder anschaue und Deine netten Texte lese bekomme ich Fernweh!!!
    Genieße die Zeit auch weiterhin aus vollen Zügen.
    Liebe Grüße aus MUC
